Bolted Plate Hinged Fasteners Steel plated on both sides and both ends of two belt ends to be fastened together (secured to the belt with bolts) with the end of the plates constructed into a circular hole (loop) for accepting a hinge pin to secure the two ends of the belts together. Bolt Horn A hand tool for facilitating the assembly of fastener plates (in a Bolt Solid Plate fastener splice) onto bolts. Bolt breakers are usually sold and utilized in pairs. Bolt Breaker A hand tool for breaking off the surplus ends of fastener bolts after tightening. Bend Pulley A pulley used to change the direction of the belt run (usually by less than 180 degrees). Belt Width The measure of a belt at a (horizontal) right angle to the direction of travel. Belt Training The process of adjusting idlers, pulleys, and loading conditions to ensure that the belt runs straight. Belt Thickness The gauge or measure of belting, from top to bottom, especially in the area which is to be spliced. Belt Tension In a belt drive, the pulling force acting on the belt, either at rest or during operation. Belt Stop An internal tab in some belt fasteners which properly aligns and positions the belt end in the fastener. Belt Skiver A tool designed to remove top cover material, generally for countersinking mechanical belt fasteners flush with or below the top surface. Belt Ripple A lateral waviness of a belt splice caused by compression swell in the fastener area, most common with rubber belting. Sometimes this rating is variable based on method of splicing, vulcanized or mechanical. Belt Rating The normal working tension recommended for a belt. Belt Punch A tool used to punch a hole through the belt for bolted fasteners or for bucket elevator bolts. Belt Lugs A mechanical fastener consisting of wires capable of being pressed through the belt end and bent back into the belt by a special installation machine. Belt Hooks Finger-shaped attachments for the carrying side of the conveyor belting, to act as cleats or positioning points. Can be alternately applied across the width as a belt cleat. Belt Guides V-belt shaped device affixed to the underside of a conveyor belt (along the length) to keep the belt training properly. Belt Groover Hand tool for removing a portion of the top or bottom cover of belting to recess all or a portion (e.g. Belt Grips Devices used to grip the belt edges to facilitate manually lifting the belt intoits final position. Belt Grinder An abrasive wheel used in conjunction with an electric or air-driven device drill, used to remove a portion of the belt cover. Belt Fasteners A mechanical device for holding the two ends of a conveyor belt together. Belt Covers The rubber or plastic compound used on the top and/or bottom of the belting to protect the carcass from abrasion and impact. Belt Clamp Beams or metal plates secured transversely on both sides of belt or belt ends to hold the ends in a desired position (e.g. Basket Weave A fabric with ends of yarn side-by-side in both the warp and filling in a plain weave construction. Also referred to as Brush Back or Friction Back. Bareback Surface A belt surface where the textile carcass is without any coating. Back Pulley A pulley whose face surface is not covered or lagged. The points at which the rigid end of the splice meet the more flexible unspliced belt. B Back Edge Pertaining to a mechanical belt splice and in the direction of belt travel, the points of the splice furthest from the length-wise center or (in the case of a hinged joint) the hinge point. Application Tool Generally, an installation device, fixture, or machine for installing certain belt fasteners, hooks, or lacing. Application Type of conveyor or conveyed material, or environmental conditions for which a belt or fastener joint is to be specified. Angle of Repose The angle to the horizontal that a material will naturally assume when dropped in a pile. 9 90-Degree Splice Generally, a mechanical belt splice made at a right angle to the belt edges. The pattern permits operating of the splice over smaller diameter pulleys. 4 45-Degree Splice Solid plate pattern wherein belt ends are cut at a 45-degree angle to the belt edges and fasteners are installed crosswise to the cut.

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